شلل الرعاش. مرض الشلل الرعاش...باركنسون

"Occupational therapy for patients with Parkinson's disease" "Iron transport in Parkinson's disease"
In: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine ; Hardy, John; Revesz, Tamas 2009-06-13

"Meta-analysis of dorsolateral nigral hyperintensity on magnetic resonance imaging as a marker for Parkinson's disease".

الرعاش مجهول السبب
"Qigong for movement disorders: A systematic review"
ماهو مرض شلل الرعاش.... تعرف على أسباب مرض شلل الرعاش وكيفية علاجه l
Fung VS, Thompson PD 2007
مراحل تطور مرض باركنسون
"Unresolved issues relating to the shaking palsy on the celebration of James Parkinson's 250th birthday"
; Halliday, Glenda October 2015 "Symptomatic pharmacological therapy in Parkinson's disease"
Ontario Health Technology Assessment Series "Parkinson's disease: genetics and pathogenesis"

Poewe W, Wenning G November 2002.

مرض الشلل الرعاش...باركنسون
Mann, Tanveer 8 December 2016
الشلل الرعاش أو الباركنسون : أسبابه و أعراضه و علاجاته ~ جدران عربية
"Effectiveness of tai chi for Parkinson's disease: a critical review"
الرعاش مجهول السبب
Movement Disorders: Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society
Emanuel, W 19 October 2010 NINDS essential tremor information page
"Parkinson's disease psychosis 2010: A review article"

Berg, Daniela; Postuma, Ronald B.

مراحل تطور مرض باركنسون
Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of Parkinson disease
علاج مرض شلل الرعّاش
; Brown, Peter; Day, Brian L
4 علامات تدل على مرض شلل الرعاش Parkinson رعشة اليد والذراع
Gan-Or, Ziv; Dion, Patrick A