كلام شكر للمعلم. عبارات شكر للمعلم 2021 كلمة شكر وتقدير للمعلم من الطالب

And overcome the difficulties of science
To whom I bring the most sincere feelings and wonderful feelings within me


يوم المعلم بطاقة عبارات شكر للمعلم
All thanks and appreciation for your valuable efforts
كلمة عن شكر المعلم
عبارات شكر وتقدير للمعلمات
You are the people of excellence
Oh who gave life value I am now going out of my school and I raised my head because you are who taught me

You have all the praise and appreciation,equal the number of rain drops, the colors of the cast, and the fragrance of perfume, for your precious efforts and value, in order to advance the march of our precious school.

كلام شكر للمعلم
thank you for your effort, and we evaluate your work
عبارات شكر بالانجليزي للمعلم
11 نموذج كلمة شكر للمعلم من ولي الامر او التلاميذ او الموظفين قصيرة