معنى ثغر. رياض السالكين في شرح صحيفة سيد الساجدين (ع)

All texts belong to the public domain 153 3 Special Issue: Stomata : 415—424
"Modelling stomatal conductance in response to environmental factors"

Buckley, TN; Mott, KA 2013.

(ثغر) في المعاجم العربية
signification, explained below [see 8]
ثغر (نبات)
A kind of melon plant
رياض السالكين في شرح صحيفة سيد الساجدين (ع)
com is a hyperdictionary that holds the entire contents of all of the largest and greatest classical Arabic dictionaries, from the earliest authorities to Orientalist and contemporary works
Talbott; Silvia Frechilla; Alaka Srivastava; Jianxin Zhu March 2002 b2: See also 1, in five places
"The Guard Cell Chloroplast: A Perspective for the Twenty-First Century" "Modelling stomatal conductance in response to environmental factors"

"The Guard Cell Chloroplast: A Perspective for the Twenty-First Century".

معنى كلمة ثغر , مرادف كلمة ثغر في المعجم
Talbott; Silvia Frechilla; Alaka Srivastava; Jianxin Zhu March 2002
153 3 Special Issue: Stomata : 415—424
الخطبة : 0034
Broke; broke or pulled down, demolished; made a breach or gap in