Why were chainsaws invented. Peculiar Facts

CHAINSAWS WERE ORIGINALLY INVENTED FOR HELPING WITH CHILDBIRTH Yes, you read it right Symphysiotomy is a procedure that will divide the cartilage of the pubic symphysis to widen the pelvis
The chainsaw was developed by John Aitken and James Jeffray, two Scottish doctors in the late 18th century to help with symphysiotomy, which simply means to widen the pelvis when there are complications in childbirth It was 1981 and although she was just 23 years old, she had wanted a family since she had married three years earlier

Here is the first surgical chainsaw used for those symphysiotomies: The chainsaw was soon used for other bone cutting operations and amputations in the surgical room.

Why were chainsaws invented? To help with childbirth.
Severin Pineau, a French surgeon advocated for symphysiotomy in 1597 and had since become a routine procedure for women with obstructed labor
Why were chainsaws invented? To help with childbirth.
Folks back in the 18th century didn't have all the modern drugs and surgical implements we have today
Peculiar Facts
Then it was picked up by the woodwork industry after it was discovered how quickly it could cut through hard objects
It then evolved into a woodworking tool when people noticed how quickly and easily it was to get through, well, anything Larissa loves books, napping, people in small doses, and her family
Yet, they are not, at this point, acting in the United States

I've tried to transcribe it automatically, but I'm still learning -- this may be inaccurate.

Why Was The Chainsaw Invented? Was It Really For Childbirth?! NEW 2021
He was lowkey into the cult when we was still involved with the company but luckily he has long since left
Why were chainsaws invented? The answer may surprise you. : CuratedTumblr
The time after the second world war saw dramatic changes in the improvement of the chainsaws
Why were chainsaws invented
Even under the best possible circumstances, giving birth is not what most would call a pleasant experience