ضليع رشيد. ضليع رشيد

with a density of about 25 people per km 2 The city is located in and is about 120 km 75 mi west of and about 85 km 53 mi south of
The city recorded a population of about 35,000 according to the 2010 national census

The city has many official sub-governorates and villages.

Dulay Rasheed
Geography [ ] Location [ ] Dulay Rasheed is located in the center of and is part of
المراكز الصحية المناوبة
It is located about 120 km 75 mi west of , about 85 km 53 mi south of , and about520 km 320 mi north-west of , the capital of
سوق اللحوم والخضار بضليع رشيد
Its UTM position is KP82 and its Joint Operation Graphics reference is NG38-09


سوق اللحوم والخضار بضليع رشيد
أبانات (القصيم)
Dulay Rasheed