وقد يجمع الله الشتيتين بعدما يظنان كل الظن أن لا تلاقيا. وقــد يجـمـع الله الشتيتـيـن بعـدمـا *** يظـنّـان كــل الـظـن أن لا تلاقـيـا

God may join together those frayed threads some day even as they think no reunion possible You are wrong to think so, I said to him
May God not keep you far from me, oh father How useless this firewood my tribesmen cut! My companions, do not shake me for more tears— When my eyes water I reach for that friend who, seeing my state, will cry for me

I am only a desperate man enfolding the pillars of houses with my weak arms.

المفعول المطلق
Have they not witnessed my oath to Laila? This tribe beguiled me with promises of friendship
Every Soul Drinks of Death
My companions, my foresight is as frail as I am
Every Soul Drinks of Death
I do not chant upon these lyrics except to allay what I feel
I know that every soul of Death does drink I slaughtered my she-camel on the grave of Mullawah between brittle desert trees
I said to her Be my sacrifice, for the dawn of coming day I will walk as yesterday by you I was carried in the black it shone like the bright star of the Bear

A tribesman said: I glimpsed a planet! There is no repentance to be had from this love.

وقد يجمع الله الشتيتين بعدما يظنان كل الظن أن لا تلاقيا اعراب
This gathering depletes me, I who spend my prayers for rain on the tribe of Laila, on those rings of womenfolk, their desires adrift chasing the whims of their flock through the sand
((وقد يجمع الله الشتيتين بعدما++يظنان كل الظن الاتلاقيا))
قيس بن الملوَّح أشهر المجانين
Though women dye their locks her color, and show themselves to me, I cannot forget the one in my heart