الطول المناسب للعمر. حجم العضو الذكري الطبيعي حسب العمر (دراسة)

2004 [Growth and development trends in Slovak children and adolescents during the last 10 years] "Height of Nations: A Socioeconomic Analysis of Cohort Differences and Patterns among Women in 54 Low- to Middle-Income Countries"
Abdulrazzaq, Yousef M; Moussa, Mohamed A; Nagelkerke, Nicolaas 2008 "Association of waist circumference with risk of hypertension and type 2 diabetes in Nigerians, Jamaicans, and African-Americans"

Asia Pac J Clin Nutr.

جدول الوزن المناسب للطول.. متى يكون جسمك مثاليا؟
"Singaporean Chinese adolescents have more subcutaneous adipose tissue than Dutch Caucasians of the same age and body mass index"
جدول الوزن المناسب للطول.. متى يكون جسمك مثاليا؟
"[Study on weight and height of the Chinese people and the differences between 1992 and 2002]"
الطول الطبيعي للأولاد لعمر 11 سنة
Note: In this study, the subjects' height was measured twice
"Determinants of inter-individual cholesterol level variation in an unbiased young male sample" Proceedings of Statistic s Canada Symposium 2008
; Van Buuren, Stef 2012 Deurenberg P, Bhaskaran K, Lian PL 2003

Hung, Mai Van and Park, Sunyoung 2008.

جدول الوزن و الطول المثالي حسب العمر
Pineau JC, Delamarche P, Bozinovic S 2005
تجربتي مع عملية تطويل القامة
Figure is for population between the ages of 20 and 84
حجم العضو الذكري الطبيعي حسب العمر (دراسة)
Occupational Safety and Health Service, Department of Labour, Wellington, New Zealand,