ارتيز حبوب. تعرف علي دواء ارتيز Artiz لعلاج الحساسية

Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology Orzechowski, RF; DS Currie; CA Valancius 4 January 2005
AAAAI Allergy and Asthma Drug Guide Handbook of clinical drug data

2006 ZYRTEC cetirizine hydrochloride Tablets, Chewable Tablets and Syrup For Oral Use Pfizer Incorporated publications 3.

ارتيز Artiz مضاد للحساسية والالتهابات
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
حبوب حساسيه ارتيز
In: Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods
Artiz 10Mg Tablets 10's
Treatment of moderate persistent asthma in adolescents and adults
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol item 104 in schedule H
item 104 in schedule H Elliott, Stuart 24 March 2009

"Levocetirizine inhibits rhinovirus-induced ICAM-1 and cytokine expression and viral replication in airway epithelial cells".

ارتيز ARTIZ دواعي الاستعمال، الجرعة والآثار الجانبية
Gupta, A; Chatelain P; Massingham R; Jonsson EN; Hammarlund-Udenaes M February 2006
أدوية الربو: تعرف على الخيارات المناسبة لك
Boone M, Lespagnard L, Renard N, Song M, Rihoux JP; Lespagnard; Renard; Song; Rihoux July 2000
تعرف علي دواء ارتيز Artiz لعلاج الحساسية
"Cetirizine: An effective agent in Kimura's disease"