تعزية للميت. عبارات عزاء ومواساة لأهل المتوفي أجمل كلام يصبر أهل الميت

Admit him into the Garden, protect him from the punishment of the grave and the torment of the Fire Exchange his home for a better home, and his family for a better family, and his spouse for a better spouse
Oh God, make her grave a meadow from the garden of Paradise, and do not make it a hole of fire Oh God, consider him from the patient, and gran him the reward of the patient

Oh God, we do not give charity to you, but we think that he is safe and righteous deeds, give him two paradises of the best heavens.

عبارات تعزية
Oh God, make him get in Heaven without asking him, nor a precedent of torment
ماذا يقال عند تعزية أهل الميت
Oh God, increase his certainty and love in your meeting, and delight his eyes to see your angels taking glad tidings and anticipating them
كلمات تعزية و دعاء للميت
please, my god make us with Saints, martyrs, the righteous and those are a companion
Oh God, we implore You, and we swear by You, that you have mercy on him, do not torment him, and make him confident when asked Oh God, let her forgot in her loneliness and in her brutality and alienation
He will never thirst again He came out of the spirit of this world and its vastness, and his loved ones in it to the darkness of the grave and what he met

Oh God, treat him with what you want, and do not treat him with what he is able to, and reward him for kindness in kindness, and for offense with pardon and forgiveness.

10 كلمات عزاء للميت وأدعية للمتوفي
Oh God, increase his pleasure on his happiness and whiten his face when you meet
عبارات تعزية للميت ومواساة
Oh God, change it to a house that is better than its home, and to be better than his people, and bring him into Heaven, and protect him from the torment of the grave, and from the torment of the fire
دعاء للميت واهله
Give him an abode better than his home, and a family better than his family and a wife better than his wife