اكتوبر بالانجليزي. اليوم العالمي للمدن

The number one cause of home fires is smoking Then I decided to live without this quest to keep it away from me and enjoy life
The Egyptian army had to pass the Suez Canal as soon as possible to reach the fortifications of the enemy on the other bank of the canal But she confessed to the murder of a woman and denied the rest of the crimes

He poured dirt on the donkey from above.

قصص قصيرة بالانجليزي
He was in good health until the day he killed himself
13 أكتوبر
Smoking is not just suicide
كيفية كتابة قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي
Now the only thing I miss about sex is a cigarette afterwards
The number of victims of terrorism since 2001: 11,337 people, the number of victims of smoking since 2001: 30,000,000 people It is also a murder! It tasted so good that even if I was pissed because I would have faked otherwise just to be able to smoke
Causes unpleasant odor from clothes and mouth

So she suggested doing an analysis of the DNA samples.

الأشهر بالإنجليزي
The faith of the Egyptian fighter in his cause, and his trust in God, has the great effect of giving him the determination, the strength and the energy , the proper planning of the battle, the sound plans that can control all positions that can face the progress of the army, This provided the elements of victory in the war
اكتوبر اي شهر ؟ اكتوبر شهر كم ؟ اكتوبر شهر كم بالرقم ؟ اكتوبر شهر ايش ؟ اكتوبر شهر كم بالانجليزي ؟
Do not be underestimated by the effects of smoking on your children! One day, Aljkim told them a joke and everyone laughed about it
اليوم العالمي للمدن
The more earth is poured, the higher its height