Faces of death. care-providers.co.uk: Faces of Death Collection (Vols. 1

The end credits state that 'certain scenes have been recreated'
Video Curious that the senator who blew his brains out in his office rather than go to a "gulag" and get used as a woman - he pleaded for a fine, without jail time, but Richardson, and Ritchie Valens pose for a photo before boarding a plane that would crash into a field in Iowa

In this one we see many staged and not so staged looking deaths ranging from bungee jumping accidents and magic tricks gone bad.

Faces of Death III (1985)
He recognized and spoke about pollution and ways in which some humans can be basically evil and bad
care-providers.co.uk: This is rotten dot com
The man with the purple had had probably orchestrated the entire disaster, planning it and removing the lower partitions in order to get rid of the embarrassing hat
care-providers.co.uk: This is rotten dot com
And they should go broke in their endeavor to oppress
Third installment in the infamous Faces of Death series The man could be behind as many as 130 murders
There is also a theory the father murdered the family and then himself The power to literally create desire, fashion and consumer trends, opinions, aspirations, and even ones own identity is expressed through film

Jerry Howell, a victim of Bob Berdella.

Faces of Death III (1985)
Sometimes I swim laps and will be breathing hard after laps, take a moment break, and then hold my breath as long as I can while I do more laps
Watch Faces of Death
The space they occupy is cramped and poorly lit
50 Photos Taken Before People's Death That Show Why You Shouldn't Take Your Loved Ones For Granted
Both look directly at the camera with expressions of tense resignation