قصة الارنب والسلحفاة. قصة الارنب والسلحفاة for Android

The rabbit and the turtle stood next to each other He said how about making a race between you and me
and whoever wins, my friend is the best ever to be The rabbit ran extremely quickly

Now, the rabbit realized his mistake.

السلحفاة والأرنب
The turtle was almost at the finish line
السلحفاة والأرنب
But the race was over
الأرنب والسلحفاة قصة الأطفال الأطفال الشهيرة عن عاقبة الغرور
He saw that the turtle was far behind him and was breathing quickly because he was so tired
He felt fear for the first time why the turtle agreed to run against the rabbit
Then, he let his eyes close The turtle and the rabbit story The rabbit smiled and slowed to a walk

But she tried her best and did something great.

قصّة الأرنــــــب والسّلحـــــفاة كان يا ما كان في قديم الزّ
قصّة الأرنــــــب والسّلحـــــفاة كان يا ما كان في قديم الزّ
They waited for the race to start
قصة الارنب والسلحفاة for Android
But there was no risk of him losing the race
The rabbit was going to win easily After a minute, the rabbit looked back
Being fast was not a characteristic of turtles He gave the turtle an opportunity to win, and the turtle took it


قصة الأرنب والسلحفاة
قصة سباق الأرنب والسلحفاة
قصة الأرنب والسلحفاة مكتوبة بالصور .. قصص الحيوانات للأطفال ⋆ بالعربي نتعلم