صفه تدل على فعل الحسن وترك القبيح. التفريغ النصي

Is that true or not even in Haje we walk and run between Safa and Marwa as setena Hajar has had done to look for any body to help them ………
? Thank you Mohamed Bondok — London• Then God ordered sayedna Ibrahim to take and leave them by Mekka

Do you believe that Sayedna I brahim has had travelled to Egypt Misr him and his wife setena Sara and they were donated Setena Hajar as a gift from the Pharaoh then setena Sara let Sayedna Ibrahim marry her and when setena Hajar became bregnant and when Sayedna Ismaial was born setena Sara became angry then she sent the three of them out of Iraq.

إذاعـة السـنة
الموسوعة الشاملة
النبي محمد ليس من ذرية النبي إسماعيل


النبي محمد ليس من ذرية النبي إسماعيل
من كتاب البلاغة الواضحة للجارم
معنى فوالذي نفسي بيده


التفريغ النصي
المسجد الأقصى الأموي ليس القبلة الأولى
كتاب : تفسير البحر المحيط 21