التعقيم الامن. تعقيم (طب)

Bharati, S; Soundrapandian C; Basu D; Datta S 2009 "The effectiveness of glass bead sterilizer in the dental practice"
" The History of Science Society of Japan Graduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies

CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 76th Ed.

فرق «برنامج التعقيم الوطني» تواصل عملها على مستوى الدولة
; Nitrogen dioxide induces DNA single-strand breaks in cultured Chinese hamster cells: Carcinogenesis
حامل التعقيم الآمن
"Child Disability and Mothers' Tubal Sterilization"
فرق «برنامج التعقيم الوطني» تواصل عملها على مستوى الدولة
"Genetic Screening: Marvel or Menace? Lin, Luo; Wu Shi-Zhong; Zhu Changmin; Fan Qifu; Liu Keqiang; Sun Goliang 1996
"The Perspectives of Childless Couples" "Developmental Disabilities Increasing in US"
"Seeking Zero Growth: Population Policy in China and India" "The Influence of a Vasectomy on the Marital Relationship and Sexual Satisfaction of the Married Man"

" The Review of Economics and Statistics.

تعقيم (أحياء دقيقة)
"Critical factors influencing prion inactivation by sodium hydroxide"
تعقيم (أحياء دقيقة)
Department of Health and Human Services