توب ون هندرد. توب ون

You believe your own lies " Take this free self-test: 1
SERIOUS: You always do the proper thing - never anything unusual, playful, spontaneous, "different," wild, or creative, if you can help it NICE: You always act nice even if you can't stand the person to whom you're talking

OBEDIENT: You always try not to offend anyone, especially those in authority - your security seems to depend on that.

مكتب 1 الخليج OFFICE 1 GULF
You believe playing and being silly are beneath your dignity and only for children
السراي الصفراء ..
If you have two or more of these signs, within any lunar cycle, it is not too late
مكتب 1 الخليج OFFICE 1 GULF
" DON'T PANIC: Normality can be healed! , and that the medical model of "mental illness" has been proven scientifically
The 10 Warning Signs of Normality Are you suffering from normality? INDOORISM: You lost touch with wildness in nature, and within your own strong feelings MindFreedom International, an alliance led by psychiatric survivors and open to the public, has become very concerned recently as a "norm-demic" has hit the streets, forcing many people formerly safe from this affliction to recognize that they, too, have caught the dreaded disease
You are labeled with "severe blinder-itis Read about the Ten Warning Signs of "Normality" by Janet Foner , MindFreedom Board Member and activist

You do not rebel against ecological destruction.

TV starts to look very, very good
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الاعداد (Numbers)
Mad scientists are working around the clock to discover the cure for "normality," a serious and persistent "chronic mental illness" afflicting much of the general population