لك انف انفت منه الانوف. الآداب في آداب السُباب

They had very little shame, and the thought of them expending clean water to douse a fire was absurd We just found him there at the office one day and lived with it
To most, however, the pickings were confined to three at the time: Al-Farazdaq, Al-Jareer, and an illustrious Levantine Christian by the name of Al-Akhtal He had nothing but his poetry prowess to put clothes on his back and food on his miserable table, and he used it well enough to make quite the name for himself in the annals of Arabic literature

There are way too many examples of how deft Ibn al-Rumi was at burning his foes, but some of them can take a frankly cruel turn.

مدونة شعراء: لك أنف يا ابن حرب
However, should you find these few examples interesting, there is a near-infinite wealth of literary gold out there for you to discover
قاموس معاجم: معنى و شرح أنف في معجم عربي عربي أو قاموس عربي عربي وأفضل قواميس اللغة العربية
It takes a certain level of dedication to the linguistic arts in order to spawn the kind of light-hearted yet burning prose these two would pelt at each other
شعر للرد على الشتيمة
Yet I see a face deformed profusely by God, for it is as ugly as a face can be, and so ugly is its bearer
For the simplest thing you can do is to disappoint, and the most difficult thing for you to do is to anything right Have I not made my discontent towards you clear, despite how difficult it is for you to understand? And though they were both coveted for their innumerable contributions to Arabic linguistics and culture, there were others who claimed their fame through some heavy use of anger
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All that in two lines.

اقوى وابلغ ماقيل في الهجاء
Your wretched life leaves none to compare, and your death may very well be a blessing to the kind
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He's pretty good at putting sentences together, usually about niche restaurant reviews, obscure video game recommendations, and the occasional inspiration piece about trying to love life
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For if he was to tighten it even further, he would choose to breathe out of one nostril