تصوير شاشة الماك. أخذ لقطة لشاشة حاسوب ماك بوك

Your Premium Support contract takes effect immediately after you purchase, and you will have the option to renew it each year Videos: Need an extra video clip for your project? You may manage your subscription at any time by visiting the Licenses tab of Preferences after purchase and selecting Manage
Eligible for Remote Access Services RAS : Allow a support technician to access your computer, identify the issue and resolve it quickly Capture the highest quality screen recordings

We will do our best to respond to your request within 8 business hours sooner if we can.

كيفية تسجيل الشاشة على ماك بالصوت وبدون الصوت؟
Looking to buy multiple copies of ScreenFlow? Stock videos have you covered
كيفية تسجيل شاشة الماك مع الصوت
You get access to all our standard free services such as community forum, knowledge base and videos, plus:• Browse the library and add transitions, motion backgrounds, royalty-free backing tracks and more simply by dragging them to your timeline from the Stock Media Library tab! Looking to buy multiple copies of ScreenFlow? Whether you call or send us an email, you will get priority status for the fastest response
كيف اسوي كابجر في الماك
Priority Response: Move to the front of the line
Videos: Need an extra video clip for your project? Get answers to your questions about installation, operations or troubleshooting We will do our best to respond to your request within 8 business hours sooner if we can
Create high quality software or iPhone demos, professional video tutorials, dynamic presentations, corporate training and more! No need to hire out a production team or create one yourself Phone Support: Schedule a phone call and speak with a ScreenFlow expert

You may manage your subscription at any time by visiting the Licenses tab of Preferences after purchase and selecting Manage.

أعلى 4 أدوات القطع لنظام التشغيل Mac
You may manage your subscription at any time by visiting the Licenses tab of Preferences after purchase and selecting Manage
5 طرق لالتقاط لقطة لشاشة في نظام التشغيل Mac OS X (دالاس)
Music: Whether you need a quick sound effect clip or background music, royalty free audio is just a search away! Music: Whether you need a quick sound effect clip or background music, royalty free audio is just a search away! Music: Whether you need a quick sound effect clip or background music, royalty free audio is just a search away! Videos: Need an extra video clip for your project? Software Upgrades: Keep your ScreenFlow software up to date for less
كيف اسوي كابجر في الماك
Software Upgrades: Keep your ScreenFlow software up to date for less