قرصان بر. هو قرصان؟

] through their extensive piracies the Portsmen [of the Cinque Ports] were experts in predatory actions at sea
From ancient high seas pirates to 'road agents' and a host of other bush and mountain pass brigands, bandits have been with us for ages "The Geography of Piracy: Northern Morocco in the Mod-Nineteenth Century"

Date accessed: 16 February 2007.

طريقة تحضير طبق القرصان السعودي بالخضار والدجاج
William III, 1698—99: An Act for the more effectual suppression of Piracy
طريقة القرصان البر — المقادير والطريقة في اخر الفيدي?
Velleius Paterculus Roman History says merely that it happened when he was a young man
هو قرصان؟
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
] could effectively control the Narrow Seas 1986 , The World: An Illustrated History, Times Books Ltd
Chong Sun Kim, "Slavery in Silla and its Sociological and Economic Implications", in Andrew C The Enemy of All: Piracy and the Law of Nations

Again, according to Suetonius's chronology Julius.

هو قرصان؟
طريقة القرصان البر — المقادير والطريقة في اخر الفيدي?
"The Capture of Maryam-uz-Zamani's Ship: Mughal Women and European Traders," Journal of the American Oriental Society, 108 2 : 227—238
حمام البر
] Furthermore, the geostrategic location of the [Cinque] Ports on the English coast closest to the Continent meant that the Ports [
Narrow straits which funneled shipping into places where was easy, and escape less chancy, called the pirates into certain areas Institute of Indo-Middle East Cultural Studies
John Kleinen; Manon Osseweijer 10 August 2010 Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: Combat Studies Institute Press

] were most active where the maritime environment gave them most opportunity.

حمام البر
حمام البر
Findly, Elison B April — June 1988
قرصان (طعام)
Plutarch Caesar says this happened earlier, on his return from Nicomedes's court