نبع الحلا. كلمات ترنيمة يا نبع المحبة

They enlarged the distance between brothers My country, O redeemer of the universe, has carried a heavy burden
The country of sun and water is eaten by fire; Beauty and green are now dust! O spring of love, you alone inhabit my heart Your birth is the birth of goodness, O light of truth; You've preached of goodness and the salvation of humanity

They captured us in a box; save us dear God.

✎ نبع المحبة lyrics & translation
Our country is wounded; O God, love has forgotten our country
بالصوت والكلمات .يا نبــــع المحــبة .ماجـــدة الـــرومي
With hands that hate colored, they deformed its beauty
اغنية نبع المحبه
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You've preached of peace, but peace opposed you; And I asked God to forgive my people, O spring of love, you alone inhabit my heart O spring of love, you alone inhabit my heart


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