Time zones. The World Clock — Worldwide

No Daylight Time in Arizona, except for the Navajo Nation This is a list of countries, regions, and territories grouped by time zone
Lucia SA Western Standard Time UTC-04:00 SAWST 070 St Europe Standard Time UTC+01:00 WET 090 Ghana Greenwich Standard Time UTC GMT 110 Gibraltar W

History The apparent position of the in the sky, and thus , varies by location due to the shape of the.

List of U.S. states and territories by time zone
Australia Standard Time ACST 245 Australia: Darwin no daylight saving time AUS Central Standard Time UTC+09:30 ACST 260 Australia: Brisbane, Coral Sea Islands no daylight saving time E
Time zones
When DST is in effect, approximately during spring and summer, their UTC offset is increased by one hour except for , where it is increased by 30 minutes
US Time Zone Map
See the description of India's time zone above to better understand the time difference between this time zone and Coordinated Universal Time
The offset is labeled as UTC + 12:45 during winter months and UTC + 13:45 during summer months when Daylight Saving is active Central Africa Standard Time UTC+01:00 ECT 083 Cabo Verde Cape Verde islands Cabo Verde Standard Time UTC-01:00 CVT 045 Cayman Islands SA Pacific Standard Time UTC-05:00 SAPST 113 Central African Republic W
§260: , not observed Not defined by 15 U Also on - Atomic clock

This allows users in multiple time zones to use the same computer, with their respective local times displayed correctly to each user.

Time Zone
North Korea adopted UTC+8:30 briefly which differs from South Korea's UTC+9 by half an hour only to drop it just as abruptly during a 2018 thaw in relations; both moves were deemed political by some
List of U.S. states and territories by time zone
The "Z" is for "zero", and "Zulu" is the two-way radio pronunciation of "Z"
The World Clock — Worldwide
By default the external representation is as UTC Coordinated Universal Time , though individual processes can specify time zones using the TZ
All nations currently use standard time zones for secular purposes, but not all of them apply the concept as originally conceived Time Zone In Afghanistan observes Afghanistan Time AFT and it has an offset of UTC + 4:30
Daylight Saving is not used in the Northern Territory so they remain on the same time standard year round UTC does not observe daylight saving time

Each train station set its own clock making it difficult to coordinate train schedules and confusing passengers.

US Time Zone Map
Generalized time zones are often called by their generic name, without making a difference between standard time and Daylight Saving Time
Get World Clock
This zone runs from 63°W past so westward to 90°W , to include most of Canada's population and the entire beaten-path
US Time Zone Map — Time in United States
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980