التدخل المبكر. غ

David Fulton Publishers, London, 1999 Early Intervention Information from NICHCY• Stop Pushing Children, Education in America: A View from Sudbury Valley
Early Childhood Intervention: Analysis of Situations in Europe, 2005• A framework for describing variations in state early intervention systems

Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 20, 195-207.

ما التدخل المبكر لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة؟
European Agency for Development in Special Needs
التدخل المبكر: مفهومه وأهميته في السنوات الأولى من عمر الطفل
The Effectiveness of Early Intervention
التدخل المبكر
Meeting Special Needs in the Early Years: Directions in Policy and Practice
"The primary-service-provider model for home- and community-based services" London: David Fulton Publishers, 1997
; Health and Social Work, Vol


التدخل المبكر
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