الدهون المشبعة. انواع الدهون المفيدة لمرضى السكري

Lof M, Weiderpass E February 2009 Prostate cancer [ ] Further information: Some researchers have indicated that serum and and dietary myristic and palmitic saturated fatty acids and serum palmitic combined with supplementation are associated with increased risk of prostate cancer in a dose-dependent manner
Epidemiology and prevention of cardiovascular disease: a global challenge 2nd ed Various foods contain different proportions of saturated and

The data from one study indicated that bone mineral density is negatively associated with saturated fat intake and that men may be particularly vulnerable.

ما هو الفرق بين الدهون المشبعة وغير المشبعة ؟
Changes to the Nutrition Facts label
دهن مشبع
Clarke R, Frost C, Collins R, Appleby P, Peto R 1997
الفرق بين الدهون المشبعة و الدهون غير المشبعة
The Goose Fat Information Service
Department of Health and Human Services December 2010 "Acquired risk factors for colorectal cancer"
"Fatty acids and atherosclerotic risk" Thijssen MA, Mensink RP 2005

"Nutrition and primary prevention of breast cancer: foods, nutrients and breast cancer risk".

تعرف على 10 دهون مفيدة تساعدك على فقدان الوزن
"Reduction in saturated fat intake for cardiovascular disease"
ما الفرق بين الدهن النباتي والحيواني؟
Corwin RL, Hartman TJ, Maczuga SA, Graubard BI 2006
ما هي الدهون المشبعة ؟ وما الفرق بينها وبين الدهون غير المشبعة ؟
Concern was expressed over the health risks of replacing saturated fats in the diet with refined carbohydrates, which carry a high risk of obesity and heart disease, particularly at the expense of which may have health benefits