الحوار الذي يجري بين أبناء الوطن يعرف بالحوار. أهمية الحوار في حياتنا

He holds BA in journalism Many of his articles are translated to English and published in several outlets
The dialogue is not born newly but it was realised by civilization and previous religions from here ,its clear to say that qoran never try to eliminate the dialogue with the other but it invited to persuade with arguments and evidences with him and by listening respectly to him in order to answer him objectivly

This research guide us to know about the importance of the islam dialogue and his properties and his various basis.

الحوار السني
and also by correction of the outlook which find in the other a symbol of danger , by the definition of the islam and by the defence of the prophet mohamed sala allahou w salam from the abusive attacks against him
يعرف تكوين الرسومات والصور بالحاسب
He was the the head of the Syrian office of the daily newspaper, Al-Hayat, for which he previously headed the Damascus Bureau
يعرف تكوين الرسومات والصور بالحاسب
So the dialogue gain an important place throuth the protection of the humain existence and throuth the encouragement of understanding , communication and living in peace His daily reporting and analysis of the events in Syria have gained the reputation as the leading source of information and analysis of the Syrian conflict in Arabic
so when the islam was coming IBRAHIM HAMIDI is a London based journalist and Research fellow and co-founder of the Center for Syria Studies at the Center for Syria Studies CSS , St Andrews University, Scotland

Hamidi is a co-founder of the Arab Investigative Journalism Program ARIJ , and previous head of the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation LBC office in Damascus.

برامج معالجة النصوص تستخدم في
He is particularly interested in researching and analysing Jabhat al Nusra JAN , which gained a stronghold in Idlib's countryside, his hometown, and in examining the dynamics that enabled JAN to infiltrate Syrian society
قايد صالح: الحوار هو السبيل الوحيد للخروج من الأزمة
the messenger mohamed sala allahou alayhi w salam , tried to approach the views in his various dialogues with atheist and jews and christians ,even with his friends for the sake of teaching and disciplining them, in quoran and sunnah there is differents models of his dialogues sala allahou alayhi w salam and the dialogues of allah with his messengers and prophets , even the prophets with atheist
يعرف تكوين الرسومات والصور بالحاسب
His work focuses on strategic issues in the Middle East with special insight into Syria's internal and regional politics and the spread of extremist Islamist groups in the country